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我们公司的专业团体具有钢木结构专业和丰富的工程营造能力,能向客户提供包括方案选材深化设计,专业施工等全套服务Our company has professional teams of steel and wood structure profession and abundant capability of engineering construction We can provide our clients full set of service;3, the operation mode of innovation At present, the production, the embroidery thread products to our research and production base material Hua by providing technology, capital, materials, quality standard, in the process of expand capacity development and cultivate 22 threadsthe。

brief introduction to the company 做标题的话,后面三个词可以省略。


北京合源投资有限公司简介 The concise introduction of Beijing Heyuan Investment Limited Company 北京合源投资有限公司成立于1999年,主要致力于中国传统文化休闲娱乐产业的开发及市场开拓Beijing Heyuan Investment Limited Company was founded in 1999,and it main aim is to develop and exploit the。

手工翻译~~无锡市鼎盛进口轴承有限公司本着一切以客户利益为本,消费者权益为先的宗旨,制定严格的质量管理机制与管理手段,以人为本,以质量和售后服务作保证,竭诚为广大客户提供优质的轴承和完善的服务Dingsheng Axletree Import Limited Corporation always insists on the importance of client’s。

Chongqing Siqi Food Co,Ltd,established in 2000,the company is located in the northwest of Chongqing,Beibei District,where old times,things in Feng Fu,transportation,logistics development公司是以生产淀粉软糖和明胶橡皮糖为主的企业,现有职工近千人,科技人员20余人,三条国内先进的软糖生产。


一句广告语“比鱼更了解水,比水更贴近鱼”这句翻译成“better at water than fish, closer to fish than water” 会更好表达出比较级,比鱼更了解水的比较 广告语最好简洁一点,很多不是完整的句子公司介绍中从“已成为”至最后的“的多元化水族企业”,其实就是一个句型,中间3句和头尾都是。

The Company is a private jointstock enterprises, are liquid nitrogen container industry emerged a new army Through years of unremitting efforts, we have developed into a container of liquid nitrogen production equipment and testing the latest technology means the modernization of。

杜绝机译,请楼主费心审阅我公司执行严格的供应商准入机制,实地考察生产能力,检测设备以及管理机制,让您不必再为无从考证供应商的诚信度而伤脑筋Our Company executes strict supplier access mechanism,investigates production capability on the spot,tests equipment and management mechanisms,so that。


